Monday, October 24, 2011

Daily Decisions - Clothing

Goal: Reduce clothing waste
Problem:  Inevitably, socks get holes.
Solution:  Darn those socks!  Actually, I don't think I'm technically "darning" our socks, but I'm taking a needle and thread to them.  If it's a nice clean hole without much wear around it, usually a lasting fix is to just sew it up.  I'm finding that some of my socks are so threadbare at the point that as soon as I sew one hole, a new one rips right next to it.  I'm going to take one of my most beat up socks and start using it to make patches.  The ball and heel wear out while there is still so much good fabric elsewhere!  Doing this I think that I can get our socks to last a good, long time.


Kate said...

A lot of my socks have been wearing out recently. I've been saving them with the same idea that there's a lot of good material left, but the bottoms are way too threadbare to be patched. Do you have any suggestions for useful-but-easy/fast projects and/or do you want a bag of old socks for your own projects? I could even cut off the worn parts so you don't have to see how worn they are :)

Karen said...

Great question... I too had a large bag of socks that I didn't know what to do with until I started fixing them. (Thus, I wish I wanted them, but I don't think that I should accept your socks!!)

If you look online for uses for old socks, there are sites with a bunch of lists of uses. I don't have any in particular that I have used, and the usefulness depends on the person, I'm sure. :) I think that as our socks really, really wear out, I'm going to just use them to clean everything. Just slip it over the hand and go to town! ;)

Also, before throwing them out, I'd instead just put them in a bag labeled "rags" and take them to Salvation Army or Goodwill. I've read that there's at least a chance that they will sell the rags to a company that can recycle them into things to sell (probably rags, in fact!). If you feel guilty about dropping your rags on them, you can always call in advance to see if they want them!

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