Thursday, October 13, 2011

Daily Decisions - Purchasing power

One thing that I was thinking about today is how much my change in attitudes and understanding of the world has affected all my decisions including ones that most people probably don't think twice about.  I think that being conscientious of our role in our family, community and world is important, so I decided to start sharing my thought processes through a "Daily Decisions" series.  I'm not saying that all of the decisions I make end up being the best possible ones, but I do my best, and I'd love to just get people thinking (and sharing your ideas with me, if you find you have some to share!).  In sharing, I will explain which goals influence my decisions, what my options are, what choice I made, and any other factors that may be pertinent.

Here's my first one to start...

What's happening: I'm buying thread to sew the binding of my quilt
Goals: Buy locally to keep money in the community, Find a store in walking/biking distance to avoid oil use
Options:  Joann's Fabrics and Crafts (1.7 miles away), Sharon's Attic Quilt Shop (2.2 miles away)
The Choice: Sharon's since it is locally owned and operated
Considerations for next time:  What about organic cotton thread since cotton is where a lot of the nasty chemicals are used in the agriculture business?


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