Friday, October 14, 2011

Crops in Pots Update... plus chocolate mint tea!

I haven't shown pictures of my window garden in a long time!
Summer has passed, and this:

has turned into this:

See how they are tall and a bit gangly?  That's my fault.  I'm still working to not hesitate when it comes to pruning.

Also, this:

has turned into this:

 Oregano madness!!!

I have really liked using my basil and oregano this summer and fall, and I planted some spinach and cilantro today.  I have entered the anticipatory period that comes when waiting for germination... Hooray!

Midsummer, one of my friends pruned her chocolate mint plant, and I was the lucky recipient of one of the shoots.  I threw that thing into soil, and it has started to turn into a nice mint plant.
 However, you can see that it's a bit gangly already, so it got a haircut today.

 That's a bit better.  And what better way to use the mint leaves than to make a nice cup of tea.  Yum!


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