Thursday, June 16, 2011


Here are about 23 pounds of strawberries! In the last couple of weeks, I kept looking for announcements for U-pick strawberries. We got these berries at Fairfield Farms in Corvallis. It is an organic farm, so when we were told to eat as many as we wanted while we picked, we happily obliged.

One reason that we pick so many strawberries is FREEZER JAM!  Yum!!!  This should hopefully last us all year.  We have been eating more peanut butter and jelly now that we don't have lunch meat on the menu.  If you are interested in making jam, I recommend looking for Pomona's pectin because it doesn't require the ridiculous amount of sugar that other brands do.  This amount of jam took us 2.25 cups of sugar.

Another reason that we pick so many strawberries is to freeze them.  We will eat them in smoothies all summer, and then we'll enjoy them on granola, cereal, etc. during the winter.

Of course, we also pick strawberries to just eat them!  Here's a bowl of oatmeal topped with plain yogurt, bananas and strawberries.

So there you have it.  An adventure in life resulting in pure deliciousness, and it's so satisfying to have supported a local farmer!  Yay for strawberries!


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