Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh Wisconsin, you make me angry...

After a week of not posting, I feel a little bit bad about coming back to my blog with a post about something that make me mad.  However, I want to spill my thoughts out.

One thing that makes me mad is what has been happening in Wisconsin.  If you don't know what has been happening, please look up "Wisconsin protests" in your favorite search engine, and read about what's going on.  From my understanding, this whole thing has been about dismantling Wisconsin's unions.  Governor Walker and other supporters first tried to say that the issue involved balancing the budget, but people figured out pretty quickly that it wasn't about that.  In negotiations, the unions had been willing to take cuts because they understood the budget and economy issues.  So no, this wasn't about the budget.  In fact, after the Democrats fled to prevent a vote on a measure involving money, the Republicans have shown their true motivation by proposing a bill that cuts out the money issues altogether and simply kills the bargaining rights of the people.  It wasn't about money, it was about crushing unions.

This makes me mad.  From my perspective, historically unions have helped the poor to middle class stand together and keep from being forced to work longer, harder, in more dangerous conditions, and for less pay.  I also am mad because it seems like this legislation has been bought by rich people.  We learn more about the situation from a phone call made by an online newspaper editor where the editor pretended to be the billionaire David Koch who poured money into Governor Walker's campaign.  In the recording of the call, we can hear how much Walker is invested in pleasing this corporate giant.  (Feel free to look this up as well.)

In short, I am upset that this state has taken from the middle class and the poor in order to please the wealthy campaign contributors.  Our government is supposed to be for the people.  I think this is sickening.

That's all.  Thanks for listening to what makes me angry!


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