Sunday, December 12, 2010

He Knew

He knew there’d be quarrels, struggles and fights
As humans bicker about who’s wrong and who’s right,
But He came down at Christmas to be with us here,
So be still in spirit and remember He’s near.

Was He born to a family wealthy and proud?
Did He cause a procession and draw a crowd?
Was He born in a palace large and pristine?
Did He get placed in a cradle, warm and clean?

He knew there’d be divisions and daily strife
As humans make messes while living out life,
But He came down at Christmas to be with us here,
So be still in spirit and remember He’s near.

He was born in small home, not too far from dirt,
And was placed in a manger after His birth.
There was love from his mother, and Joseph too,
But no great crowds celebrated, just quiet few.

He knew we’d grow greedy as we sought for more,
That we’d forget God’s love for the simple and poor,
But He came down at Christmas to be with us here,
So be still in spirit and remember He’s near.

Was it the rich and powerful who came first?
Was it the morally righteous who witnessed the birth?
It was shepherds who came after angels were seen,
Though disdained by society for being unclean.

He knew we’d confuse God’s great love for all.
Loving those we deem worthy, we stumble and fall.
But He came down at Christmas to be with us here,
So be still in spirit and remember He’s near.


dad said...

that was very nice.

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