Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good Stuff

Recently I've decided that it's hard to find a balance between cynicism, realism, and staying positive. In high school, I think I tended to try to see whatever was good in things (primarily the government, events, etc), and I think that I tended to be blind about some important shortcomings. Throughout college, I feel like I've come to understand how things and people "really are" in various aspects, and it sometimes just isn't the nicest to know. As a result, I feel like I am a bit wiser, but also more negative. It's so easy to see how messed up things are in the world and feel overwhelmed, but I don't think that's what we're meant to do. How does that help anything? Instead, I'd rather see good and give good away.

So, this is what's good to me. (Corny sounding or not, I promise it's all true. ;) )

It's good that I have a lot of friends and family who love me. I have a dear, devoted, loving husband who makes each day better than what it would have been otherwise. I have been given all the material possessions I need and more. With hard work, I do well at what I do.

I like hot cups of tea! I enjoy the sunshine, rain, snow, wind. I like it when trees leaves change colors, and I watch each day as the leaves come back in the spring. I like being able to run, play, laugh, dance and sing. I am glad that today Matthew and I sat together and drew hand turkeys.

I like sitting around talking to people... and laughing with people! I like growing closer in relationships. I appreciate that Facebook makes it so I can "like" or comment on peoples' statuses so that they know that I care about what's going on with them.

I like the bubbling feeling of hope when listening to something inspiring.

I look forward to good in the future while enjoying the now. I look forward to painting my kitchen plum purple someday... having kids and enjoying that miracle (at least most of the time, right!?)... learning new things.

There's a lot of good in life always, and I think that most people can find their own list. I want to constantly carry my list with me and live thankfully all the time. If I don't, I feel like I'll just add to the world's problems instead of spreading the good around.

So, thank you to all those who give yourselves to me, and thanks to God who is the giver of all good things.

It’s the calm of the storm that comes blowing in
It’s the springtime saying I'm back again
The clouds that roll by
Crossing moonlight
Me and you love – everything's alright
Standing in the rain with nowhere to go
Laughing and we're spinning and I hope that you
Remember this day
For the rest of your life
Me and you love – everything’s gonna be alright

And it just might be
The prettiest thing that you'll ever see
It’s a new day
Oh baby, it’s a new day
If you look outside
To see a beautiful sunrise
It’s a new day

Robbie Seay Band - New Day


Unknown said...

the beginning is so true, high school was mostly filled with drama, people trying to act tough, and now away from all those stresses as a graduate I can see life as what it really is. there are people who think " the government is screwing us" so we have to screw them back creating a minimal change but which adds to the problem. although government isn't 100% great of course, but trying to screw the problem is only adding to the problem. so by in this point in our lifes it is spreading positive, or atleast trying to come to terms with people and things since not all is perfect, but yes praise god for grace, and so much more to have the strength to do such things.(as I try to type this my cat is leaning into the keyboard as much as Id love to give her a smack.. my love ceases within me.)

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